“There is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you. Just reach deep into yourself!” ~Unknown
I saw the above quote at http://tinybuddha.com/blog/the-message-your-higher-self-wants-you-to-hear/
That concept, combined with the others below have freed me to live the life I’ve always needed to live. I’m grateful to have discovered them in time to make a major positive difference in my life. My wish for you is that you too have already discovered and benefitted from them, but if not, I recommend that you consider incorporating them into your life. Ideally, you have or will have learned them at a much younger age than I so that you will hopefully have much longer than I to enjoy the delicious fruits of them:
Surrounding myself with supportive, kind, loving people by focusing on being supportive, kind, and loving.
Finding my own creative voice and sharing it.
Understanding that no matter how good or bad something is there will always be people who like it and those who don’t.
Knowing that if it’s from one’s heart it is beautiful.
Realizing that if I’m having fun I’ve already won.