I was headed out the door to meet with a new investment Client when the headline for an ad in an open magazine caught my eye:
“Add Extra To Ordinary”
What an extraordinary tag line! (It was for Bertoli Olive Oil by the way.)
“Add Extra To Ordinary” Those four words stayed with me, and as I drove to my appointment I realized how powerful and universal that message is. Every aspect of life can be made better if we take the time to “Add extra to ordinary”.
So often even a little extra effort, a little extra thoughtfulness, a little extra kindness, a little extra enthusiasm, a little exrtra caring, etc, can make a huge difference in our own lives and the lives of others.
I’ve even experienced first-hand how a little extra effort has saved lives. There are few better feelings in the world than to hear someone say:
“You may not know it, but what you did that night saved my life!”
All I’d done was be there for a friend. A simple act that didn’t even take much time and very little extra effort. But that extra effort not only changed a life, it saved one.
And I hadn’t even been aware at the time that a life hung in the balance and would have been lost if I hadn’t chosen to “Add extra to ordinary” that evening.